Acidity Test in Faridabad

Acidity Test in faridabad

Excess body acidity is thought to be the first step towards premature aging, the interference with eyesight and memory, the beginning stages of wrinkling age spots, dysfunctioning hormones systems, and a host of age related phenomena.

Excess acidity is condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs, bones and teeth to buffer ( neutralize ) the acid and safely remove it from the body.

Initial signs of body tissue acidity include:

  1. Feeling weak, tired and having low energy
  2. Experiencing agitation, anxiety, panic attacks and depression
  3. Having skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, acne and hives
  4. Suffering generalized aches and pain
  5. Experiencing diarrhea, constipation or bloating
  6. Suffering from cramping before or during periods
  7. Experiencing heartburn
  8. Needing more sleep
  9. Having increased dental decay
  10. Feeling nauseous
  11. Suffering from loss of libido

Side effects of Acidity

Effect of Acidity on Immunity

Susceptible to viral, Bacterial, and fungal microbes.

Effect of Acidity on Heart

Increased Heart Rate | Strokes | High blood pressure

Effect of Acidity on Stomach

Indigestion | Gas | Bloating | Abdominal cramping

Effect of Acidity on Male / Female Urinery Organ

Calcium crystals | Stones

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